Futuristic Library Books?

Next week I will be presenting a session at the VITTA conference on QR codes and how they can be used in the classroom. This comes as quite timely given the recent announcement in the 2009 horizon report that mentions QR codes as a ‘technology to watch’. So in getting myself prepared for the presentation I have been filming some of the ideas I have had in the past around how they could be used in education.

One of the ideas I initially had was to use them on library books, or any books for that matter. The idea is simple,

  1. Use a QR code generating website to create a code for the book.
  2. Print out a copy of the Code
  3. Attach the code to the book and return the book to its original  location in the library

Imagine going to find a book, but rather than simply reading the blurb you could scan a code to reveal a youtube video with people explaining  the book, a podcast of someone reading the book, a short text review or even a website that lists similar books. The possibilities are endless. Check out the video below for an idea of how I imagine this would actually work.


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