Replay It is a video replay app that can be used in PE to provide feedback and self-assessments. It’s an easy way to give students immediate feedback on their performance and improve their skills. You can also use Replay It as a tool for providing hands-free feedback loops or creating video refereeing opportunities.
1. Hands Free Feedback Loops
Teaching any discrete skills? Setup a laptop or Chromebook with the webcam pointing towards the action with a 5-10 second delay. After students complete the skill once they move to the laptop to review, repeating this process over and over in a hands free feedback loop.
2. Self & Peer Assessments
Besides being an excellent way to review and assess student progress, Replay It is also a great tool for self-assessment. Students can review their own work and evaluate it based on the criteria that they’ve set up in advance. They can also use this tool to assess each other’s performance during class. Finally, students can compare their own performance with others’ performances to see where they might improve.
This type of self-assessment helps students gain confidence in their abilities and understand how well they are doing overall so that they know what areas need more focus or attention moving forward.
3. Video Referee
Create your own video umpire during team games enabling an injured student to watch replays and make tough decisions for the class. A great addition to a Sports Education Unit.
This would also be a fantastic way to engage a student whom is unable to participate in your session.
4. Connect to a Large Screen
You can connect your computer to a large screen (or two) to get more students involved in the learning process. This is especially useful when you’re demonstrating new skills. It also has the benefit of allowing you to scale the feedback from one device to an entire group without them needing to cramp around a small laptop screen,
You can also use Replay It for whole class activities like reviewing concepts and answering questions about them. Students will be more engaged with this type of activity because they are not just listening, but also seeing what’s going on.
5. Teachable Moments
Use Replay It to capture and share the moments that matter. You can use them to teach students about the importance of staying safe, sportsmanship and other important lessons.
The best way to think of a teachable moment is in terms of an opportunity for your students to learn something new or a chance for them to improve their behavior through reflection on what they’ve done wrong. These moments occur all the time during a classroom session but can be taken to the next level with the power of a video replay.
Replay It Is A Great App in PE Classrooms
Replay It is a video replay app that can be used in PE to provide feedback. The students will have an awesome time with it!
Replay It is a very easy-to-use app that allows you to record, edit and share videos. It also allows your students to take pictures of their progress during their workout, which can make them feel proud of themselves after they’re done working out. And finally, Replay It provides you with an excellent way of providing feedback on the student’s form while they practice various exercises or sport skills.
Replay It is an app that can be used in PE to provide feedback, your students will have an awesome time with it. Head to the chrome store to download Replay IT for FREE.