3 Ways to Capture Student Results & Achievement

Over the last few years, I’ve received a similar email at least once per week asking me for ways in which people can capture student results. While the answer to this question could lead me down a myriad of different suggested options, I usually discover that people are after a super quick & simple solution that enables them to track results/scores in things such as fitness tests, time trials & other activities. They also want to be able to do this quickly and easily while on the go

With this in mind, I wanted to share 3 ways you can capture results & achievement while on the go. The options move from simple to more complex and are regularly recommended by myself to others.

ResultTracker iPad App

While not the most glamorous of options, the ResultTracker app has long been recommended by myself due to its super simplicity. There is no complicated setup or formulas to enter to get it working, simply download, enter your students & begin tracking results.

You can learn how to get setup with ResultTracker via the following video below;




  • Super Simple for users of all ability
  • Free Download with optional upgrade
  • Suitable for Offline Use


  • Limited Customisation
  • No Cloud Capacity for Syncing Results etc
  • Only available for iPad

iDoceo iPad App

While on the more expensive side,  iDoceo is without a doubt the premier assessment, attendance and lesson planning application available for iPad. With a bevy of features that all teachers can leverage you will find the configurable Grade Book useful for result capture due to its complete customisation.

For a video tutorial showcasing how to setup iDoceo and capture a variety of result types, then check out the video by Nick Spencer below & here


  • Powerful customisation features
  • Fully integrated with other classroom tasks such as attendance, reporting


  • Requires a deeper learning curve
  • Only available for iPad
  • More Expensive Solution

Google Drive & Google Sheets

If you’ve followed this website, you’ll know I’m a major fan of Google Drive & it’s suite of sub products such as Google Sheets & Google Docs. As many schools are Google based, this option represents a massive advantage to adoption on a school wide approach.

Ultimately the cloud based solution means that students, parents & other colleagues could view results in real time via the ability to share the sheets with interested parties. All of this works flawlessly as part of Googles rock solid infrastructure.


Whilst it certainly represents a massive potential in terms of its ability to be customised and track literally anything you want, you are limited by your own ability & skill to setup spreadsheet formulas etc. With this in mind, I recommend this approach for those of you whom have an understanding of formulas and are happy to operate using the cloud.


  • 100% FREE
  • Available for use on all devices & platforms
  • Ultimate Customisation
  • Fully Cloud Based enabling the most scale


  • Requires an understanding of Google Drive
  • Calculations & Formulas may be required for what you want to achieve
  • Cloud based meaning it relies heavily on internet connection also your school/district may limit your use of cloud tools

While all of the above represent powerful options for tracking student results & achievement, they all have inherent pro’s & con’s which need to be considered. As such the best solution for you will be one that takes into consideration exactly what you hope to achieve & your willingness to up skill yourself if need be.

Do you use a different tool to track results? What do you use & how does it work for you?

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