Early in 2013 I released the first in a 4 part series of apps, known as the ‘It’ series. To put it simply, the series of Apps are a Task Card and Visual Resource for PE Teachers. Effectively the apps have been designed as a simple and powerful way to provide students with visual prompts designed to take students through a self directed learning approach.

Balance It – A Task Card Resource for PE Teachers. The success of this app has truly blown me away, with it appearing in classes all over the world. The focus of the app is on providing students with visual prompts and cues designed to help them work through a series of balance activities. Featuring over 60 hand drawn balances that progressively build up in difficulty, allowing students to develop their static balance and team work skills.
Jump It – The second app released in the series, focusing entirely on Jump Rope skills. Featuring over 50 hand drawn jump activities that progressively build up in difficulty, allowing students to develop their skills in a self paced manner.
Stretch It – Is a circuit and stretching task card series for teachers and students. A simple and powerful way to provide students with visual prompts and cues designed to help them warm up and cool down.
Work It – A Task Card Resource for PE Teachers, that also includes a series of indexed workout videos from www.fitnessblender.com.
The four apps in the series have proven to be some of my most downloaded apps of all time, and include a variety of areas relevant to all PE Teachers. With this in mind I’ve decided to release these all as a super app bundle for iPad devices, as part of one overall discounted download; You can also choose to download the entire series as a printable PDF