Learning the Skeleton with QR codes

Today in my junior Physical Education class we started our work on learning the human skeleton, which includes being able to identify the major bones. Now this time last year I introduced the students to ‘Harold’ the model skeleton, so this year I did the same thing, however one thing was very different….

 Harold had undertaken a little update and his bones had been affixed with QR codes that when scanned would reveal the name of the underlying bone. Once the activity had been explained the students set about scanning and revealing, scanning and revealing, scanning and revealing until they could identify the 20 key bones in the human skeleton via scientific name. The next step was to play ‘Skeletal Bingo’ which the kids ran for each other. Basically the kids write down in a 4X4 grid 16 different bone names. The caller then points to bones and if the student has that bone in their list they cross it off. Eventually we get a bingo and to prove they know their bones they have to identify them in front of the class by revealing the bones using the Quickmark QR code reader software and a webcam.

Anyway I decided to film a quick video that you can view below, that could help explain how the whole process worked. Although the QR codes have been used with a Physical Education context in this activity, there is absolutely no reason why this wouldnt work within any other subject area.  If you like you can download a copy of the QR codes I used for the activity here and the skeletal bingo worksheet. Finally if your unfamiliar with QR codes , then you can read an earlier post about what they are and there potential in education.

How else might you use QR codes in your classroom?


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