The Sports Rules ‘App’
As a PE Teacher, I often find myself searching the internet for the rules of different sports as a refresher when I chose to play them in practical classes. So […]
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As a PE Teacher, I often find myself searching the internet for the rules of different sports as a refresher when I chose to play them in practical classes. So […]
The Sports Rules ‘App’ Read More
Recently I’ve been thinking about how Twitter could be integrated into a practical outdoor activity and have decided that an automated twitter scavenger hunt. See the video below to determine
The Automated Twitter Scavenger Hunt Read More
After watching the following video by Joey over at the The discussing the Sport Education Model, I was compelled to share my own experiences using the model in my Phys Ed
An Updated SEPEP Model Read More
With the end of year examination coming very soon for my VCE PE students , the time is now to begin some sort of revision process. To assist with this
Mobile Exam Revision Read More
The other day I sat down and opened up Google Docs to start work on a new presentation for an upcoming conference. This process would usually see me slowly add
As a part of senior Physical Education class my students are required to plan and participate within a training program based on a particular set of fitness components. In order