An amazing new app designed with the sole purpose of helping people get fit for the obstacles of life. The app couldn’t be simpler with just one click, Obstacle Workout will automagically create a fresh 30-minute high-intensity workout every time. No thinking required.This then leaves it up to you to your students to get their sweat on by following the clear video and audio instructions.

Having worked with teachers all over the world, I’ve seen first hand the sheer number of people who struggle with usernames & passwords. The problems tend to come down to one of three things
- People forget the passwords and need to reset them
- People use the same passwords over and over on every website and account they have
- People use terribly poor and insecure passwords
If you identified with any of the statements above, then LastPass will CHANGE your digital life.
With LastPass, you only remember one password – your LastPass master password. Go and download it instantly, along with the Google Chrome extension, it will change your life.
Have an app that I should share on the next top apps for PE Teachers series? Then leave a comment below and I’ll be sure to take a look. Check out the other top app lists here or grab the PE Apps App for a great one-stop collection of the best PE apps.