14 Day Vidalyze School Trial

Over the last 6 months, we’ve taken what was a simple idea, and turned it into a revolutionary video analysis platform that is empowering some of the world’s leading schools to finally realise the power of video.

With this in mind, I’m eager to have as many of you as possible experience exactly what this platform can do, so you’re ALL free to jump inside and get started using it right now, with the 14 Day FREE School Trial.

If you’re unfamiliar with Vidalyze, then I highly recommend you take a look at the video demonstration below, which dives right into exactly how schools are using it and all of the included features which make it perfect for schools.

The trial account includes all of the features outlined below, such as multiple format video import, video sharing, portfolio creation, assessments and much more.  Essentially Vidalyze has been built 100% from the ground up by a teacher for teachers.

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If you have any questions at all regarding Vidalyze, then please feel free to contact me via Social Media, Email or by leaving a comment below.

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