The Ultimate Lesson Planning Tool

As many of you will know, every aspect of my teaching is completed in some form of digital manner. This includes everything from attendance and assessment,  to resource creation and collaboration. However until recently there was one aspect of my teaching, that I still used paper for and regardless of the systems I trailed, nothing could sway me over to making the jump.

What was I refusing to do electronically?…..Well the answer might surprise you…… It was…… Lesson Planning.

Now the reason behind my refusal to switch, was purely based on my belief that there simply wasn’t a tool out there for me that included the features I needed.  So after literally two years of planning, thinking, testing and consulting with other teachers I have finished work on an app that Im safe to say has resulted in me moving to a pure paperless existence has just been released.

Introducing Easy Planner

After two years of planing and development, my award winning Easy Planner app has finally been released. Essentially Easy Planner is a powerful lesson planning tool for the modern day teacher. Designed to work on ANY device with an internet connection. Plan all of your classes with ease with an intuitive interface designed to make lesson planning quick and efficient. Its also FREE.


With Easy Planner you can import resources from various cloud based services such as Dropbox, Google Drive & OneDrive. You can also easily import URL’s, photos, videos and much much more. You can also add preparation tasks and various homework activities direct to the app. However the best feature of all is the ability to access and plan your lessons via the app or the website. Your lesson plans magically sync between any device you use enabling you to experience the ultimate level of efficiency.

Take a look at the features of Easy Planner via the getting started video demo below


Easy Planner has been out since late 2014, and already we’ve been receiving incredible feedback from teachers all over the world. 

The ability to link websites, video examples, resource links etc to each lesson plan is so handy. To know that is all backed up as well and can be accessed interchangeably between tablet in lap top is huge for me. A must get for all phys edders!

So what are you waiting for? It’s time to download this amazing FREE app (yep, I’m biased)


iPhone & iPad App



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