Top Apps for PE Teachers – Part 23

CoachMyVideo – Private Coach Edition

The paid version of the popular free video analysis app “CoachMyVideo”. New features included in the paid version include the ability to analyse video direct from online streaming sources, such as YouTube. This is a super powerful addition inside of any video analysis app, especially when you utilise the app the side by side comparison feature on the iPad. Checkout the video below, showcasing how the YouTube analysis feature works.



At the present my  VCE PE students are engaged in a unit of study surrounding physical activity and how it can be measured and subsequently used to motivate. This has led them to learn about a variety of both subjective and objective measuring devices, including accelerometers, pedometers and surveys. This app however has featured extensively within the course of the unit, with students
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downloading and using it to record their daily activity levels.

Simply download the free app, place it within your pocket and check back occasionally as the app tracks your activity, via both the GPS and internal accelerometer. At the end of everyday you will be presented with a beautiful  storyline of your days activity, with metrics on aspects such as your total steps and distance accumulated in a variety of types of locomotion (see picture right). 

This exceptional data can then be used to formulate discussion surrounding physical activity and national activity guidelines. A super simple and unobtrusive means of gathering activity data. The only real downside is the extra pressure background running will place on your battery. However if your a light to medium iPhone user, you shouldn’t notice too much of a difference.

oSee Lite & oSee Pro

A video delay app with the ability to set a delay time of up to 4 minutes. This will provide plenty of time for review and subsequent analysis of physical skills. The Pro version of the app brings a new, yet widely requested feature to delay apps allowing users to save the delayed video to the camera roll.


An app that has been getting a heap of use within my personal life. An exceptional mediation app, that takes you through a daily 10 minute routine. The best part about this app is the fact that it actually takes the time to teach the user how to meditate  in a very open and friendly manner.

In the PE classroom, this app finds its place within sports psychology units or as a means of finishing off practical sessions and reducing over aroused students to a more calmer and focus state before their next class. Something their next teacher will thank you for.

Google Drive

Lets face it, Google is absolutely killing it at the moment in every manner of their digital products. From apps to devices and online products everything is of incredible quality. This is certainly  the case with the Google Drive app. Although its not technically a PE app, its wide variety of uses make it incredibly powerful in all contexts. Essentially the app allows you to view, edit and add to your online files and documents located at  Checkout how Nathan Horne of  iPhys-Ed is using Google Drive to create student portfolios. If your unsure of what Google Drive is, checkout this video here

Check out the other top app lists here – Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3 – Part 4– Part 5 – Part 6 – Part 7 – Part 8 – Part 9 – Part 10  – Part 11 – Part 12 – Part 13 – Part 14  – Part 15  –Part 16 – Part 17 – Part 18 – Part 19 – Part 20 – Part 21 – Part 22 – or grab the PE Apps app for a great one stop collection of the best PE apps.

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