In the past year I have received numerous emails asking the best and easiest way to go about designing ‘apps’ for classes etc. The question varies depending on what type of functionality they desire, however for anyone looking to build an app that links together content from multiple web sources such as RSS Feeds, YouTube videos, twitter accounts etc then I am recommending two tools to get this done in a matter of minutes.
1) Web Apps – The benefit of building a web app is the fact that they are designed for multiple devices, meaning that anyone with internet access can access the app by simply visiting the URL while on their device. They also offer some of the basic features of native apps with an increased level of flexibility. For a step by step video guide to building your own app and making it accessible in a matter of minutes, check out the video below
To see the web app developed in the video above in action, scan the QR Code below or visit the following link on your mobile device
2) Native iOS/Android and Windows Phone Apps – If your craving a little more flexibility in your apps and would prefer to follow the official route in terms of submission to the app store and android market, then you might be interested in the “The App Builder”. Check out the step by step video to building an app below.