It certainly isn’t everyday that you can say you have developed a mobile application. Well, with thanks to AppMakr I can safely say this today. AppMakr is an exceptional online tool that allows you to develop native iPhone/iPod/Android and Windows mobile applications without any programming experience.
Simply use the step by step guide to include media via RSS from a variety of sources making it a potential one stop shop for all of your web content. With this in mind, I set about to develop an application across all mobile platforms that could be used within my senior PE class to bring together all of the class content.
The basic idea behind the application is to make all of the class content available to my students at any time. As my students travel for in excess of half an hour each day to school this becomes a perfect platform for them to complete bite sized, personalised pieces of revision. The best thing is that as the content is sourced to the app via RSS, they to can have an input into the content creation.
Check out the final product below.
You can access the ‘App’ in the following ways;
- To download the iPhone based ‘App’ simply visit the app store and search VCE PE or follow the link here
- To download the Android based ‘App’ simply visit the linkhere while on your Android phone to complete an ‘Air Drop’ install.