It’s not everyday that you can say that you have written a book, but for me today, is one of those days. Thanks to the online publishing website I was able to convert some of my blog posts, articles and other pieces of writing into a published book.
The book is titled ‘100+ ways to use technology in Physical Education’ and is a compilation of articles and ideas which have yet to be published on this blog, as well as some of my favorite blog posts throughout the last 3 years of posting. The book is available below. You can also visit my author spotlight .
- As an instant download eBook or PDF (The book was replaced with a new edition in December 2011, you can access it from the link)
The reason I decided to turn parts of this blog into a book, is that I thought it could be a useful tool for teachers around the world who are looking for simple ways to incorporate emerging technologies into their classrooms. The benefit of providing it in book form is all of the ideas are jam packed in over the 34 pages. Making it a simple one stop shop and companion for this website. If you do happen to grab a copy, let me know what you think by leaving a review in the comments or on the lulu website.
So do you have a book in you? Why not publish it with lulu?